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发布时间:2014年02月22日 13:40:54

诺华正在开发的用于治疗罕见转移性非小细胞肺癌新药LDK378,诺华获得“突破性新药认定”的3个项目之一,另外两项认定分别为罕见病药BYM338(bimagrumab)和心力衰竭治疗药重组型人松弛素-2 seralaxin。




Novartis races to the FDA with its 'breakthrough' lung cancer drug


Novartis ($NVS) isn't wasting any time with LDK378, its promising in-development lung cancer drug, filing for FDA approval before embarking on a Phase III study for the breakthrough-designated therapy.


With the application, Novartis is swinging for the full potential of the FDA's newfangled breakthrough status, under which the agency can approve drugs based on mid-stage data. And that's just what the company has in mind, believing its non-small cell lung cancer treatment can sway regulators based on Phase II results alone.


The treatment, designed for patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer with anaplastic lymphoma kinase mutations, picked up the FDA's coveted breakthrough therapy designation last year after showing an 80% response rate in a Phase I trial on 88 patients with advanced cases of the disease.








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