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发布时间:2014年02月11日 15:33:48



据报道,葛兰素史克定于2月5日将该计划连同其2013年第四季度财务结果一起披露。德意志银行分析师Mark Clark预测该公司在中国的销售于去年第四季度将下降30%,与前一季度的下降61%相比有所改善。


然而,分析师也预测葛兰素史克将会受到新兴市场货币疲软的打击。戈登公司分析师Savvas Neophytou预测不利的汇率波动将减少第四季度3个百分点的销售增长,总体营收与去年同期持平。与此同时,Clark预测汇率波动也会葛兰素史克的大部分销售增长化为泡影,收入上涨1%,主要由新兴市场疫苗的强劲销售来提升。


 GlaxoSmithKline to move 10 new drugs into late-stage studies: report


GlaxoSmithKline is expected to announce plans to start late-stage clinical trials on 10 new drugs over the next two years, The Telegraph reported. The compounds, which the newspaper noted have not previously been detailed, include those in the company's main areas of cancer and respiratory diseases.


According to The Telegraph, the drugmaker is scheduled to unveil the plans alongside its fourth-quarter financial results on February 5. Analysts expect GlaxoSmithKline to report that quarterly sales in China have begun to recover following allegations of bribery against the company last year. Deutsche Bank analyst Mark Clark forecasts that GlaxoSmithKline's sales in the country will drop 30 percent in the fourth quarter, an improvement on the preceding quarter's 61 percent decline.


However, analysts also expect the drugmaker to be hit by emerging market currency weakness. Panmure Gordon analyst Savvas Neophytou predicts that unfavourable currency movements will knock 3 percentage points off top-line sales growth in the fourth quarter, with overall revenue flat versus the year-ago period. Meanwhile, Clark forecasts that the currency movements will also wipe out the majority of GlaxoSmithKline’s sales growth, with revenue rising 1 percent, lifted by stronger vaccine sales in emerging markets.


关键词: 后期临床试验 GSK 葛兰素史克





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