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发布时间:2014年02月11日 15:34:50









US appeals court upholds Pfizer's Lyrica patent, preventing generic competition until 2018


The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington ruled Thursday that a patent for Pfizer's Lyrica (pregabalin) is valid, preventing generic competition for the pain therapy until December 30, 2018. In its ruling, which upheld a previous district court decision, the court determined that generic drugmakers including Actavis, Lupin and Teva would infringe upon Pfizer's patent if their generic versions of the product were launched.


The case, which also included Mylan, Sun Pharma and Wockhardt, centred on the composition of matter patent covering Lyrica. The generic drugmakers contended that the patent did not describe a new invention, arguing that the product was an obvious variation of existing compounds. However, the appeals court said that it identified "no error in the district court's construction" of what the patent claim covers.


Pfizer noted that in the same decision, the appeals court ruled that arguments relating to a second patent covering the use of Lyrica for the treatment of pain are "moot," given the determination on the first patent. The lawsuit was brought in 2009 by the company and Northwestern University, which owns the patent covering the drug's active ingredient. Pfizer indicated that the generic drugmakers may request a rehearing by the appeals court or a review by the Supreme Court. The company added that litigation on the same patents is pending in federal court in Delaware against other generic companies.


Lyrica, which gained clearance from the FDA in 2012 for the treatment of neuropathic pain associated with spinal cord injury, generated $4.6 billion in global revenue last year, including US sales of about $2 billion. The drug is also approved to treat nerve pain associated with a number of diseases, including diabetes and fibromyalgia, as well as for the treatment of partial onset seizures in adults with epilepsy who take one or more drugs for seizures.






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