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发布时间:2014年04月12日 16:48:31

瑞士Swedish Orphan Biovitrum(SOBI)和美国艾迪克生物基因公司(Biogen-Idec)合作开发的血友病药物Eloctate末期临床结果令人满意。此次临床主要对象为之前使用过该药物的12岁以下的血友病患者,并监测是否会出现阻碍病情的抗体出现,结果并未发现。该药物为长效机制,一周使用两次。之前血友病药物平均2-3天就需使用来预防出血状况。








百健艾迪与Swedish Orphan Biovitrum还共同开发了另一款血友病药物Alprolix,这款药物于上个月被FDA批准用于治疗血友病B。血友病B由因子IX缺乏引起。


Biogen's blood disorder drug succeeds in late-stage trial


Biogen Idec Inc and Swedish Orphan Biovitrum said their experimental blood disorder drug was effective in treating children with hemophilia in a late-stage trial.


The drug, Eloctate, was able to maintain low bleeding rates in children with hemophilia A - a rare genetic disorder in which a person's blood does not clot properly due to missing or reduced levels of a protein called factor VIII.


The late-stage trial tested Eloctate in previously treated children under 12 years with severe hemophilia A.


The main goal of the study was to eva1uate the frequency of antibody development that can interfere with the therapy and none were detected.


Eloctate is a long-acting hemophilia treatment that was given to patients as twice-weekly preventive injections.


Hemophilia drugs generally need to be infused every two or three days to prevent bleeding episodes.


Biogen and Swedish Orphan Biovitrum have also developed another hemophilia drug, Alprolix, that was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration last month for treating hemophilia B. Hemophilia B is caused by the absence of the factor IX protein.


Biogen shares were up slightly at $300.92 in premarket trading. They closed at $300.68 on Wednesday on the Nasdaq.






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