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发布时间:2014年03月21日 18:02:13

Edison制药3月18日宣布,FDA已授予EPI-743用于治疗弗里德赖希共济失调(Friedreich's Ataxia)的快速通道地位。此前,FDA已授予EPI-743治疗弗里德赖希共济失调的孤儿药地位。










弗里德赖希共济失调(Friedreich/s Ataxia, FRDA)属脊髓型共济失调的一种,遗传方式主要为常染色体隐性遗传,致病基因为X25基因,蛋白产物为frataxin,亚细胞定位研究发现frataxin定位于线粒体,FRDA发病与线粒体功能失调相关。



US-based Edison Pharmaceuticals has received Fast Track designation from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its lead drug EPI-743 to treat patients with Friedreich's ataxia.


The company is developing EPI-743 for pediatric and adult mitochondrial disease, including Friedreich's ataxia.


In the recently completed Phase I and multiple Phase II trials, EPI-743 has been demonstrated to be safe and well tolerated.


Currently, the company is conducting two Phase II trials in patients with Friedreich's ataxia and has completed patient enrollement in a Phase IIb randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial, which is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2014.


Additionally, EPI-743 is being assessed in a rare Friedreich's ataxia genetic subtype- patients with a point mutation in the gene encoding frataxin.


The company said that this single-arm subject-controlled trial is also fully enrolled.


Edison Pharmaceuticals chairman and CEO Guy Miller said fast track designation will facilitate the company's clinical development of EPI-743 for patients with Friedreich's ataxia.


"We are fully committed to delivering the first approved drug for this highly debilitating and lethal disease for which there are no FDA-approved therapies," Miller said.


The company has already received FDA Orphan designation status to EPI-743 for the treatment of Friedreich's ataxia.






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