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发布时间:2014年03月14日 18:16:35


Glycotope生物技术公司成立于2001年,其前身是从Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin的一部分。公司主要的研究方向在通过对蛋白质表面的糖链进行修饰后提高蛋白质药物的效率以开发出新型药物。



A pair of billionaire brothers helped Glycotope round up $76 million in venture cash to pay for Phase IIb trials of a pair of cancer drugs as well as a late-stage effort for a fertility therapy. The Strüngmann group, a family firm led by Thomas and Andreas Strüngmann, and the Eckert Life Science Accelerator put up the cash.


The development company, which bills itself as one of Germany's largest venture-backed biotechs with more than $180 million raised to date, is pursuing development work on its lead antibody, PankoMab-GEX, and a me-better version of Erbitux dubbed CetuGEX. Panko-Mab is one of the company's GlycoBodies, antibodies which are designed to target tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens. It's been in the clinic for ovarian and non-small cell lung cancer. A Phase III study of the "glycooptimized" fertility hormone FSH-GEX (not an antibody) is expected to launch this summer.


The company was founded back in 2001 as a spinoff of the Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin, building its expertise in glycosylation of proteins. It now has facilities in Berlin and Heidelberg, with a big focus on so-called "bio-betters."


"Our innovative technologies for optimizing sugar structures on proteins, among other things, enable us to increase the tolerability, effectiveness, and affordability of a large number of proven medications," noted CEO and founder Dr. Steffen Goletz in a statement.


The identical twins Thomas and Andreas Strüngmann, who founded the big generics company Hexal and sold it to Novartis for $7.5 billion, have a big stake in biotech. They recently helped Mainz, Germany-based Ganymed raise $60 million (€45 million) in a new venture round.






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