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拜耳完成收购Algeta 已合研前列腺癌新药Xofigo

发布时间:2014年03月11日 15:04:46

 拜耳(Bayer)3月6日宣布,已成功完成对合作伙伴挪威制药商Algeta的收购。该笔收购耗资约19亿欧元(约合26.1亿美元)。目前,拜耳已拥有Algeta 98.2%的股份,并计划接下来启动一项强制收购程序,收购Algeta少数股东所持有的剩余股份。此外,拜耳还计划提交文件,将Algeta股份从奥斯陆证券交易所(OSE)退市。










Xofigo(radium 223 dichloride,镭223二氯)是FDA批准的首个α-粒子辐射放射性治疗药物,该药以一种完全新颖的方式改善患者的预后。其活性部分(active moiety)模拟了钙离子(calcium),通过与骨骼中的羟基磷灰石(HAP)形成复合物,选择性地靶向骨骼,尤其是骨转移区域。镭233【α-发射器(80千电子伏/微米)】发射的高LET (linear energy transfer, 线性能量转移)射线,能够在邻近肿瘤细胞中引发高频率的双链DNA断裂,从而产生强效的细胞毒效应。对肿瘤微环境(包括骨细胞和破骨细胞)的额外效应,也有助于体内(in vivo)的疗效。来自Xofigo的α粒子量程小于100微米(不到10个细胞直径),能够最大限度地减少对周围正常组织的伤害。




Bayer holds 98.2 % of Algeta shares after closing / Compulsory acquisition process planned in the coming days


Leverkusen, March 6, 2014 – The Bayer Group has completed the voluntary takeover offer for Norwegian pharmaceutical company Algeta ASA, Oslo. Payment of the offer price has been made to Algeta's shareholders who accepted the takeover offer and, at the same time, the 43,131,641 tendered shares have been transferred to Bayer. As a result, Bayer now holds 98.2 % of the shares and voting rights in Algeta.


Bayer intends to initiate a compulsory acquisition process in order to acquire the remaining shares of minority shareholders in Algeta in the coming days. Bayer is offering NOK 362 per share, equal to the offer price in Bayer's voluntary takeover offer. In addition, Bayer intends to file for delisting of the Algeta shares from the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE).


Bayer: Science For A Better Life


Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care, agriculture and high-tech polymer materials. As an innovation company, it sets trends in research-intensive areas. Bayer’s products and services are designed to benefit people and improve their quality of life. At the same time, the Group aims to create value through innovation, growth and high earning power. Bayer is committed to the principles of sustainable development and to its social and ethical responsibilities as a corporate citizen. In fiscal 2013, the Group employed 113,200 people and had sales of EUR 40.2 billion. Capital expenditures amounted to EUR 2.2 billion, R&D expenses to EUR 3.2 billion.











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