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发布时间:2014年04月22日 16:13:09







上个月,FDA行政长官Margaret Hamburg为FDA于2013年10月批准Zogenix公司疼痛药物Zohydro ER( 重酒石酸氢可酮)进行了辩护,其间有来自不同组织对这款药物潜在滥用的担忧。


FDA approves labelling changes for extended-release, long-acting opioid analgesics


The FDA said it approved class-wide labelling changes for all extended-release (ER) and long-acting (LA) opioid analgesics to restrict their use to treat patients with severe pain. The agency has said the changes, which were initially proposed last September, are aimed at curbing "the crisis of misuse, abuse, addiction, overdose, and death from these potent drugs."


The updated labelling will state that the drugs are meant for pain severe enough to require daily, continuous, long-term opioid treatment, and are only for patients unable to achieve adequate pain relief with alternative medicines. Currently the products are indicated to treat patients with moderate-to-severe pain. Further, the labels will include a boxed warning ab0ut the potential for neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome associated with chronic maternal use of the drugs during pregnancy. The regulator had also said last year that companies which market ER and LA opioid analgesics would have to conduct additional studies to assess the known serious risks of misuse, abuse, hyperalgesia, addiction, overdose and death.


In 2012, the FDA unveiled measures designed to reduce the misuse and abuse of approximately one dozen ER and LA opioid drugs. The latest move follows a report issued last July by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which found that fatal overdoses 1inked to prescri-ption pain drugs increased several-fold among women and men between 1999 and 2010.


Last month, FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg defended the agency's October 2013 approval of Zogenix' pain drug Zohydro ER (hydrocodone bitartrate) amid concern from various groups ab0ut the product's potential for abuse. Earlier this month, Zogenix said a US district court ruling blocked a recent attempt by the governor of Massachusetts to ban Zohydro ER in the state.






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